Kansas Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach is taking on his two left-wing opponents — Laura Kelly (D) and Greg Orman (I) — Tuesday evening.

Kobach has been endorsed by President Trump and most recently campaigned with the president in Topeka, Kansas, where Trump declared him a “tireless champion of border security” and asked voters to “vote for my friend.”

Video of tonight’s debate is provided courtesy of KWCH 12. The debate is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time. 

Kobach recently laid into his Democrat opponent, Laura Kelly, during a speech at Trump’s Kansas rally this week, blasting her for supporting illegal immigration and statewide amnesty.

“It’s time to put Kansans first, not illegal aliens,” Kobach said as the crowd chanted “USA! USA!”

“Laura Kelly also voted to allow illegal aliens to continue getting welfare benefits,” Kobach said. “So while we’re struggling to pay our electricity bill, to pay higher taxes, we’re meanwhile giving taxpayer dollars to illegal aliens. Is that fair? It’s time to stop illegal aliens from getting taxpayer dollars.”

Editor’s Note: Kris Kobach is a columnist for Breitbart News. 

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.