Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Thursday that the Donald Trump “economy is doing so well even Colin Kaepernick got a job.”
Congressman Barletta spoke with Breitbart News editor Neil Munro at the Federation for American Immigration Reform’s (FAIR) “Hold Their Feet to the Fire” Annual Radio Row in Washington, DC, this week.
Munro asked the Pennsylvania Republican about the growing economy under President Trump. The Labor Department revealed Tuesday that the American economy added 201,000 jobs in August and the unemployment continued to stay at a record low of 3.9 percent. American hourly wages rose and the broadest measure of unemployment, which includes discouraged workers and underemployed workers, fell 7.4 percent from 7.5 percent.
Congressman Barletta said that Pennsylvania’s economy has been “terrific” and “can be a state among nations because of energy, because of our natural gas, we have more natural gas than the oil in Saudi Arabia.”
Barletta, who hopes to defeat Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) during the midterm elections, said that despite the record-breaking economy under Trump, the “far-left wants to get in the way of the president’s accomplishments.”
Trump is “fighting for steelworkers who have watched their jobs go to China and go overseas,” Barletta added. The Pennsylvania Republican said that Trump is eliminating “job-killing regulations.”
Barletta said, “We’re seeing jobs not only coming back to the United States but coming right into Pennsylvania.”
Nike made former quarterback Colin Kaepernick the new face of its “Just Do It” campaign this week to mark the 30th anniversary of its iconic slogan. President Trump and other conservatives have chastised Kaepernick for kneeling during America’s national anthem to protest against police violence.
Morning Consult found that Nike’s favorability fell by 34 percent after they made Colin Kaepernick the front man for their latest marketing campaign.
Rep. Barletta joked, “The economy is even doing so well that even Colin Kaepernick found a job.”