The vast majority of GOP midterm voters say they are less likely to vote for Republicans in Congress who support giving amnesty to illegal aliens that would allow them to permanently remain in the United States.

In a poll conducted by McLaughlin & Associates for Tea Party Patriots Action, about 61 percent of likely GOP midterm voters said they would be less likely to vote for a Republican in the House or Senate who supports amnesty for illegal aliens.

Among all likely voters, about 42 percent said they would be less likely to vote for a Republican or re-elect a GOP incumbent if they supported amnesty.


“That would be a tremendous loss of support among GOP base voters,” John McLaughlin said in a statement about the poll. “And for what? The incremental ‘gain’ Republican Congressmen may think they’re getting by voting for amnesty is virtually non-existent.”

“A Republican Congressman who votes for amnesty is playing with fire,” McLaughlin added.

Republicans supporting amnesty for illegal aliens may believe they will win over likely swing voters in the midterm elections, but polling data reveals that supporting amnesty would make the GOP lose ground with undecided voters.

For example, nearly 40 percent of Independents said they would be less likely to vote for the GOP if they support amnesty for illegal aliens, versus only 26 percent who said they would be more likely to vote for Republicans.

William Gheen, the president of Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC), has warned the GOP and Trump against supporting amnesty for illegal aliens.

“We need every American we can get calling Trump’s White House and GOP lawmakers in D.C. to express their anger and disappointment these Republicans are trying to pass Amnesty for illegal aliens instead of enforcing the existing immigration laws of America which require illegals to go home,” Gheen said in a statement last week.

The past few months, the Republican-controlled Congress and GOP leadership, led by House Speaker Paul Ryan, have been pushing for an amnesty for illegal aliens with only minor benefits for American citizens and workers.

Republicans are expected to vote on Ryan’s preferred amnesty deal this week, which would potentially be the biggest amnesty for illegal aliens ever in U.S. history, as Breitbart News noted.

The Ryan amnesty deal would not reduce legal immigration levels to help raise Americans’ wages and quality of life, nor would it mandate construction of a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. At the same time, the amnesty would be for at least 2.2 million illegal aliens, an illegal population that is three times larger than President Obama’s original Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.