Twenty-one children are using the courts in reliably left-wing Oregon to claim that the Trump administration’s policy on climate change is violating their constitutional rights.
As the Washington Post reported Wednesday:
The federal government’s request to halt the lawsuit “is entirely premature,” wrote Judge Sidney Thomas, the chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
“We’re looking forward to putting the federal government on trial on climate science and its dangerous fossil fuel policies,” said Julia Olson, the lead attorney for the young plaintiffs and chief counsel of Our Children’s Trust.
Kids, eh? Is there anything they don’t know about climate change, what with all that expert brainwashing they get at school from true believer teachers and from woke animated TV series like Captain Planet and Magic School Bus?
It gets better. One of the plaintiffs is the grand daughter of James “Death Trains” Hansen, the green activist who used to run NASA GISS and who effectively launched the whole climate change scare back in 1988 with his carefully stage-managed testimony that the earth was “warmer that at any time in the history of instrumental measurements.”
The sweat dramatically pouring from Hansen’s brow that day, it later emerged, was a result of the fact that, the night before, the air conditioning system had been sabotaged under the orders of fellow green activist then-Sen. Tim Wirth (D-CO).
I do hope the kids win. One of the many things that annoy me about the world is the horrible thought that all those ignorant, ungrateful, ill-educated, whiney, “woke” snowflake brats like the ones bringing this case are likely to end up richer and more comfortable than people from my generation.
If they succeed in bombing the economy back to the dark ages and denying themselves that prosperous future, it would be the most delicious form of poetic justice, wouldn’t it?
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