Trumpocrats Victorious as Gary Cohn Exits White House: He Should ‘Go Home to the Hamptons’ and ‘Have a Martini’

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

The “Trumpocrats,” the group of working and middle-class Democrat voters who supported President Trump in the 2016 presidential election, have won a victory, as their nemesis in the White House, Gary Cohn has resigned.

On Tuesday, White House economic adviser and the leader of the globalist pack inside the West Wing, Gary Cohn, announced he would resign from his position after failing to stop Trump’s economic nationalist agenda on trade.

One of the leading Trumpocrats, Billy Bova, told Breitbart News Political Editor Matt Boyle in an interview on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM that he hoped Cohn would leave the Trump administration and “go home to the Hamptons” to “have a martini.”

Bova told Breitbart News:

You know what I’ve got to say to Gary Cohn, he might be a great guy and God bless him. But, he’s a Wall Streeter, investment banker, multi-multi-multi-millionaire. You know, if he disagrees with a president that he ran as a economic fairness, economic nationalist, a put ‘America First’ jobs wise, industry wise, money wise, wealth wise, if he disagrees with him like that, I think a great thing for Gary Cohn would be to go home to the Hamptons and sit by his swimming pool with his millions of dollars and have a martini and just get out of the White House. [Emphasis added]

As Breitbart News reported, Cohn has been working against Trump’s economic nationalist agenda on trade for months now, failing to stop the president from moving forward with a 25 percent tariff on imported steel and a ten percent tariff on imported aluminum.

The Trumpocrats — who helped deliver the rust belt for Trump after failing to be represented by decades of pro-free-trade Republican and Democrat administrations — are excited about the White House’s tariffs on steel and aluminum, noting how they are designed to level the playing field for American industries and protect U.S. jobs.

Bova said:

I think these tariffs are spot on too. Look, I don’t understand all the bedwetters at the banks, the globalists, the hedge-funders, the traders on the floor, why they’re panicking, why they’re freeking out. Because the fundamentals of our economy right now have not been better in decades. [Emphasis added]

It’s just like our borders, you don’t have secure borders, you don’t have a secure country.

10 percent on something that we’re importing 90 percent of, I mean… if I had to take 10 cents a can for every Coca-Cola I drank to rejuvenate our metal industry and our aluminum industry in America, I’d gladly do it and I think most patriotic Americans who care about our country and our jobs and our national security would gladly do it also.

Breitbart News has reported extensively on the Trumpocrats and their allegiance to Trump, many of whom voted for the populist over candidate Hillary Clinton solely for his economic nationalist agenda on trade.

In August 2016, Christian Rickers, the leader of the Trumpocrats PAC, told Breitbart News:

I’m a lifelong Democrat, really since I was a little kid, and I still am a Democrat. But the Clintons—for instance, where I am from, my hometown, when I was a kid we had 15 manufacturing plants and we now have one. Nobody does anything there anymore, and that’s the same thing happening in a lot of small towns across the country really. The Clintons are really the cause of this, the cause of manufacturing going overseas with NAFTA and the trade deals and all of that. Donald Trump, he says a lot of crazy sh*t, but the one thing that he does say, that he really does want to do something about that and that he wants to protect our people with better trade policies and new trade policies. [Emphasis added]

The Trumpocrats have already won a slew of victories with the Trump administration, including:

  • Trump getting the U.S. out of the middle America-crushing Paris Climate Agreement
  • Trump killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would have eliminated millions of U.S. jobs
  • Trump securing higher wages for American workers through increased immigration enforcement
  • Trump’s commitment to renegotiating NAFTA or removing the U.S. from the free trade deal

Now, the victory for the Trumpocrats comes in the form of Cohn’s resignation at the White House, upping the influence that Trumpocrat allies and economic nationalists Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Peter Navarro will have in the administration.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.


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