Pro-open borders Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) has committed to introducing his likely dead-on-arrival immigration legislation that would give amnesty to potentially millions of illegal aliens in exchange for three years of funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
In a Washington Post op-ed, Flake — an avid supporter of wage-crushing, mass low-skilled immigration to the U.S. — said his minor wall funding-for-amnesty plan is necessary because the nearly 800,000 illegal aliens enrolled on the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program “represent the very best of America.”
But there are teachers, students and members of the military who are DACA recipients. They are friends and colleagues who represent the very best of America — hard workers and productive members of their families and communities — and they do not have the luxury of accepting defeat and moving on to the next agenda item. [Emphasis added]
While admitting defeat in his and the Republican establishment’s efforts to work with Democrats to pass a massive, wage-cutting amnesty plan without any reduction to current legal immigration levels, whereby more than one million mostly low-skilled legal immigrants are admitted to the country annually, Flake placed the blame on Trump for the issue.
Flake, though, this month was one of 14 pro-amnesty and business-first Republican senators who blocked a Trump-endorsed immigration plan that would have given DACA illegal aliens amnesty while eventually reducing the number of legal immigrants who enter the country every year to raise the wages and quality of life of America’s working and middle class.
But if I’m being candid, after what we’ve experienced over these past weeks, I can’t see this Congress agreeing with this president on a package that includes a path to citizenship for DACA participants coupled with significant changes to our legal immigration structure. That comprehensive immigration reform has proved to be beyond our grasp. [Emphasis added]
That is why, when the Senate reconvenes next week, the first action I will take will be to introduce a bill extending DACA protections for three years and providing $7.6 billion to fully fund the first three years of the administration’s border-security proposal. I’ll be the first to admit this “three for three” approach is far from a perfect solution, but it would provide a temporary fix by beginning the process of improving border security and ensuring DACA recipients will not face potential deportation. [Emphasis added]
Flake’s plan would not include any of the illegal immigration reforms that the Trump administration has demanded, including provisions that would close legal loopholes to more swiftly and effectively stem illegal immigration at the border.
As the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has explained previously to Breitbart News, without closing the legal loopholes outlined by the agency in an immigration deal, a border wall would stand alone trying to deter illegal immigration without any other major reforms to keep illegal aliens from entering the country.
Additionally, the expansive amnesty — which could potentially become uncontrollable — could stifle recent wage increases that American workers have enjoyed due to Trump’s “America First” immigration enforcement measures.
Instead, Flake’s plan would immediately flood the U.S. labor market with at least an additional permanent one to 3.5 million foreign nationals who would be legalized and thus eligible to legally compete for working and middle-class jobs against Americans, as well as a flood of illegal alien workers who would likely storm the U.S.-Mexico border in the wake of an amnesty.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.
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