Facebook Says It Will Unblock Roe v. Wade Movie Crowdfunding Site

Anti-abortion activists converge in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, Friday, Jan.
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Facebook has informed Breitbart News it will unblock the crowdfunding site for a new movie on the story behind the 1973 controversial Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade.

As of this writing, however, the administrators report to Breitbart News they are still being blocked by Facebook.

In an email sent to Breitbart News Friday, a Facebook spokesperson said:

I wanted to let you know that the abilities of all the administrators for this Page will be fully restored after receiving a temporary block for spam behavior, which violated our Community Standards. For more information about why someone would be warned for sending spam, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/help/152457281489359.

As Breitbart News reported Thursday, the producers of Roe v. Wade reported its crowdfunding site had been blocked by Facebook, as had been the sharing of the site by the film’s followers.

The news of the blocking of the site followed a story reported in the Christian Post Tuesday that the social media giant had also censored Christian ministry Warriors for Christ, which opposes abortion and homosexuality. Facebook claimed Warriors violated its standards on bullying and hate speech.

The report noted the Warriors’ Facebook page was taken down on December 29, reinstated on January 2 after an online petition was launched, and then removed again by Facebook on January 5.

In its latest annual report released two weeks ago, abortion business Planned Parenthood boasted, “Tech stands with Planned Parenthood.”

In August, conservative watchdog for corporate activism 2nd Vote noted that Facebook and Google joined with Planned Parenthood to sponsor a protest of an Atlanta pro-life women’s healthcare clinic.

2nd Vote reported:

The protest of the Atlanta CURA clinic is an official event posted on the Netroots Nation schedule, which also includes a Planned Parenthood karaoke party.

Both Google and Facebook are listed as sponsors for the entire weekend, with Google serving as a “Premier Sponsor.” Mozilla, Eventbrite, and WordPress.com are also on the list of sponsors. Through their sponsorships, all of these companies have aligned with leftist organizations like the Emily’s List, MoveOn.org, NARAL, the Sierra Club, and more.

The actual protest event on the schedule is as follows:


Special Event; Sat, 08/12/2017 – 12:00pm, Off-site

Brian Fisher and his organization, Human Coalition, run a network of “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” that deceive and shame women seeking abortions. Their latest fake “clinic” is only a few blocks away—at Cura Women’s Care Clinic. Join Reproaction and SisterSong for a protest of that “clinic,” on Saturday, August 12, at noon. Get more info at humancoalition.reproaction.org

2nd Vote also observed:

Facebook directly funds CAP, and its political action fund, which supports abortion as an equal right for women, Accessed 5/3/17.

Facebook contributes to Girls Inc., which is a pro-abortion organization, Accessed 5/3/17.

In 2013, LifeNews reported that Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife donated 18 million shares of Facebook stock, valued at $992.2 million, to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation — which distributes funds from donors to companies, one of which is Planned Parenthood.


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