9 Year-Old Points Pellet Gun at Suspect’s Head, Stops Alleged Carjacking

Larry-Larimore, a 9 year old from Kokomo, used a pellet gun to scare a man who allegedly t

A nine-year-old boy in Kokomo, Indiana, pointed a pellet gun at a suspect’s head and stopped an alleged carjacking the day after Christmas.

According to WTHR, Kevin Cooksey pulled up to the One Stop Express and went inside, but he left his son, Larry Larimore, in the truck with the vehicle running. Looking at the truck from inside the store, Cooksey noticed that his door had been opened and became nervous. He said, “When I saw my truck door open, I was like, ‘oh my God, what am I going to tell my wife?’”

It turns out that a man allegedly attempting to steal the vehicle opened Cooksey’s door, but the theft was stopped when young Larimore pulled his BB gun and pointed it at the suspect’s head:

The suspect then moved to a black TrailBlazer, which was also running, jumped inside, and drove off. Cooksey exited the store, told the TrailBlazer owner to jump into his truck, and they gave chase.

They reached speeds of 70 miles an hour as they chased the alleged thief, who eventually wrecked the TrailBlazer.

Young Larimore described the erratic movements of the TrailBlazer, saying, “It was doing donuts, zig zags, almost flipped.”

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. Sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange.


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