Judge Roy Moore: America Needs ‘To Acknowledge the Sovereignty of God and an Understanding of the Constitution’

U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore speaks at a campaign rally, Monday, Dec. 11, 2017, in Midl
AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

GOP Senate candidate from Alabama Judge Roy Moore summed up his view of what is needed in America: faith in God and understanding and adhering to the Constitution.

In his final rally in Alabama on the eve of his December 12 special election against Democratic opponent Doug Jones, Moore presented some of what he termed the “vast differences” between himself and Jones and how his own positions are connected to faith and the freedoms Americans enjoy per the Constitution.

“Abortion, he favors full-term,” Moore said, referring to Jones’s statement that he is “not in favor of anything that is going to infringe on a woman’s right and her freedom to choose.”

“I want to make sure that people understand that once a baby is born, I’m going to be there for that child,” Jones told MSNBC’s MTP Daily host, Chuck Todd. “That’s where I become a right to lifer.”

Jones says on his website he “stands with Planned Parenthood,” the nation’s largest abortion provider, which fights any and all restrictions on abortion.

“I want to overturn Roe v. Wade because it was unconstitutional when they made it,” Moore said.

“He [Jones] believes in transgender rights,” said the judge — a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point — “In the military, in the bathrooms. And then he says he supports children!”

“Same-sex marriage — he thinks I’m a bigot,” Moore continued. “He thinks because I favor traditional marriage — ordained of God — that that’s the wrong position. The people of Alabama don’t believe that.”

“In health care, he believes we should increase Obamacare, which will increase our rates, diminish our services,” he said. “I believe we should repeal Obamacare. I believe the federal government can’t run our veterans’ hospitals. How are they going to run our healthcare system?”

“One of the biggest differences between us,” Moore emphasized. “I do not support federal involvement in education systems of this state. Common Core should be eliminated.”

At the rally in Midland City, Alabama, Moore reflected on his experience of serving in the military and in public service:

What has happened to our country today? We have forgotten that faith on which we were founded.

My opposition has always been about my acknowledgment of God, the sovereignty of God. The Ten Commandments — I was removed from my job. When it came up about the definition of marriage, and I stood for marriage between a man and a woman.

I entered this race to represent the people of Alabama and what they believe … our government should be: to acknowledge the sovereignty of God, and an understanding of the Constitution — these are the things that are needed in Washington, DC.

Moore challenged the narrative spread by some in the media that Republicans will vote for him regardless of what they really believe about his character.

“I’m going to tell you, if you don’t believe in my character, don’t vote for me,” he said.

“My philosophy has always been, since the Academy, duty, honor, country … I want to make America great again with President Trump,” Moore said. “I want America great, but I want America good, and she can’t be good until we go back to God.”


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