Americans whose loved ones have been killed by illegal aliens expressed devastation on Thursday after illegal alien Jose Garcia Zarate was found not guilty of murdering 32-year-old Kate Steinle.

A jury found Jose Garcia Zarate “not guilty” on charges for the 2015 killing of Steinle. Zarate, previously using the alias Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, was found guilty on a charge of possessing a firearm. He previously admitted to killing Steinle and traveling to San Francisco for its sanctuary status. The young woman was walking on San Francisco’s Pier 14 with her father when she was shot in the back and killed. Her last words were pleas to her father for help as she died in his arms. Zarate had been convicted of seven felonies and deported five times at the time of Steinle’s death.

Sabine Durden, legal immigrant and mother of slain 911 operator Dominic Durden, wrote, “devastated &can’t believe  NO GUILTY verdict. My heart cries w the Steinle family &all of us who know their pain.Illegals get away w murder.” She also replied to a tweet, calling the verdict not only an insult to “all Americans,” but also “legal immigrants.”

Mary Ann Mendoza, mother of slain police officer Brandon Mendoza, wrote, “A HUGE slap to all the faces of Americans killed by ILLEGAL CRIMINALS today.  Where in the hell is the justice system headed?!?  Protection for illegals and nothing for AMERICANS!!! We need to unite and fight this BS”

Just one day prior, Mendoza posted:

Jamiel Shaw Sr., father of murdered high schooler Jamiel Shaw Jr., initially responded with a call to “#BUILDTHEWALL NOW!!!!!” In one of several subsequent posts her wrote, “Like I said before We give them the American Dream, They give give us the American Nightmare #DeportIllegals the first time and we won’t have these problems.#JamielShaw #KateSteinle #BuildTheDamnWall #ScrewDACA

Maureen Grossi Laquerre, sister of slain man Richard Grossi, was infuriated by the verdict, “OMG – I thought I was FLOORED yesterday…This is DISGUSTING and INFURIATING !!!”

Angie Morfin, mother of murdered young boy Reuben Morfin, wrote, “This makes me sick I got more justice from Mexico when Ruben was murdered by Ezequiel Mariscal.”

Steve Ronnebeck, father of murdered young man Grant Ronnebeck, wrote, “Absolutely stunned and sickened by the verdict out of San Francisco today. There is no justice for Kate Steinle or her family. There is no justice for any victim of illegal immigrant crime. This is a dangerous precedent people !!!!!!!! It is a sad and scary day!!!!!!”

Agnes Gibboney, mother of murdered American Ronald da Silva wrote, “When Mayors, County Sheriff and Governor Jerry Brown protects those breaking our laws and protects criminal illegal aliens, by putting them back on our streets, only puts the public safety at risk. They all HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS.”

Gibboney then spoke of her slain son Ronald, “Ronald my dear son, I am so sorry OUR COUNTRY did not give you a sanctuary city. I fear that in 2020 when the previously deported illegal alien who murdered my only son is released, will victimize another family.”

Angel family led advocacy group AVIAC posted, “A sad day in the fight against ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS in our country. When American lives are disregarded by our justice system, we have all got to start wondering, what is next ? Don’t wait for your family to be affected.”

Just before the verdict was announced, Laura Wilkerson, whose son Joshua Wilkerson was viciously murdered by an illegal alien “dreamer,” wrote, “Kate Steinle verdict coming up…. it better be right. 7 Felonies and her illegal alien murderer got out of jail, free to kill her. San Francisco sanctuary city.”

Kate Steinle’s brother told Fox News on Thursday that after the verdict “the family is processing as best they can.”

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