Democratic candidate Doug Jones supports the Democrats’ proposed DACA amnesty for 690,000 illegals and the bigger ‘Dream Act’ amnesty for at least 3 million illegals, plus millions of their chain-migration relatives.
Jones’ spokesman sent a statement to Cameron Smith at declaring his support for the Democrats’ amnesties:
I support the DACA program and would support the DREAM Act or similar legislation to ensure young people brought here as children who have never known any other nation can remain in the United States.
Jones’ support for amnesty will hurt his chances in the election, but it reflects the Democratic Party’s increased pressure on its leaders to impose a pro-immigration policy nationwide, regardless of its unpopularity in GOP-leaning states. In November 2016, for example, Donald Trump won Alabama’s vote by 62 to 34 percent, partly because he opposed Hillary Clinton’s cheap-wage, high-diversity, mass-immigration campaign promises. Since then, Trump has released his pro-American immigration principles, but Democrats have spurned those principles as “trash” and have refused to even include any in their demand for a “clean” Drea Act.
Also, on September 21, GOP rival Roy Moore’s staff issued a statement, saying “Moore opposes DACA and the Dream Act and supports military patrol of the borders while the [border] wall is being constructed. That statement won him a quick endorsement from the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC.
Jones statement tried to take the edge off his support for amnesty by spotlighting a small number of DACA illegals who have enlisted in the military:
Children and young adults in the DACA program are contributing members of our society, serving in the military and owning businesses that employ Americans … In 2016 alone, 359 DACA recipients enlisted in the U.S. Army. DACA participants must maintain clean records and pass background checks and are not threats – simply the product of their parents and grandparents seeking to give them a better life.
But that statement simply provides a number — 359 — for voters who are wondering how many Americans lost the chance to join the military because the slot was provided to a DACA illegal.
Jones’ website does not include any mention of immigration, even though a Democratic amnesty for millions of illegals — plus their parents — would continue the nation’s cheap-labor economic policy which has badly hurt employees in the state. The cheap-labor policy has also reduced investment and job creation in many interior states because the coastal cities have a surplus of imported labor. For example, almost 36 percent of zip codes in Alabama had fewer jobs or businesses in 2015 than in 2000, according to a new report by the Economic Innovation Group.
Similarly, the Democratic candidate avoided the immigration issue when as legislators urged reform of the visa-lottery giveaway after an Uzbek winner used a truck to kill eight people in New York on October 31.
In contrast, Roy Moore quickly announced his support for the RAISE Act, co-sponsored by Sen. Tom Cotton from Arkansas. The popular proposal would end the visa lottery and end chain migration. Business opposes those cuts because economic analysts predict reduced immigration will force up Americans’ salaries, reduce profits and trim the stock-market wealth of CEOs.
Instead of limiting immigration to ensure employers offer higher wages to Americans, Jones’ website says government regulators should decide how much individual employees should be paid:
People in Alabama should not have to work two or three jobs just to provide food, housing and other necessities for their families, often foregoing healthcare and other needs. I strongly support ensuring working Alabamians receive a living wage for their hard work. It is past time. They are then less reliant on the government and those dollars help lift the economy.
Simultaneously, Jones’ website says he supports “streamlining regulations”:
The most productive, innovative people I know are entrepreneurs who have had the courage to turn an idea into a business that makes their community better and grows jobs. Small businesses are truly the backbone of the American economy. We must support the growth of small and mid-sized businesses that make up our communities here in Alabama. We need to streamline regulations and reduce the impediments to their success.
The Democrats’ aggressively progressive policies — such as their demand for a low-wage/high-immigration economic policy — is also damaging to Jones’s campaign because it leaves little room for ordinary voters to focus on other issues that once would have decided political campaign is a lee-divided country. That problem means Jones has to go hunting for voters in better-off urban districts where people are less concerned about cheap-labor immigration.
According to Jamelle Bouie at, Jones’ best chance is to appeal to more prosperous urban Republicans by downplaying his liberal policies:
The problem is that, since the 2008 election, white voters in Alabama have only become more Republican, with Trump winning near-unanimous support among whites in the 2016 election. Heightening the challenge is the shape of the white electorate in the state. Some Republican states are largely rural; others are highly religious and evangelical in particular. And still others have high levels of white racial polarization. Alabama has all three. Its white voters are rural, polarized along racial lines, and more likely to identify as evangelical than not.
Where can Jones gain ground? The Senate primary offers one answer. While Moore dominated the state, beating Luther Strange by nearly 10 points, he lost three of its most dense counties: Jefferson (home to Birmingham), Shelby, and Madison (home to Huntsville). It’s here that Jones may attract the more moderate and college-educated Republicans who backed Strange and are alienated by Moore and the allegations against him. To make his happen, Jones will likely have to tread carefully, downplaying his liberal views and keeping the national Democratic Party at arm’s length, lest he present himself as too much of a partisan and drive wavering Republican voters to the other side.
Each year, four million Americans turn 18 each year and begin looking for good jobs in the free market.
But the federal government inflates the supply of new labor by annually accepting 1 million new legal immigrants, by providing almost 2 million work-permits to foreigners, by providing work-visas to roughly 500,000 temporary workers and doing little to block the employment of roughly 8 million illegal immigrants.
The Washington-imposed economic policy of mass-immigration floods the market with foreign labor and spikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees. It also drives up real estate prices, widens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.