Report: Donald Trump Liked Steve Bannon’s ‘Articulate and Forceful’ 60 Minutes Interview

Donald Trump
AP/Alex Brandon

President Donald Trump watched and enjoyed Steve Bannon’s interview with CBS anchor Charlie Rose on 60 Minutes, according to a report.

“He thought that it was an articulate and forceful defense of him, as well as a very strong and very intelligent positioning of some of the core issues of the administration,” a person familiar with Trump’s thinking told the Washington Post.

Bannon defended the president’s agenda, challenging establishment Republicans for trying to block it in Congress.

“The Republican establishment is trying to nullify the 2016 election. That’s a brutal fact we have to face,” he said.

Bannon said that he would continue to serve as a “street fighter” for Trump’s agenda, vowing to go to war with the Republican establishment as the president’s “wingman.”

“They’re going to be held accountable if they do not support the President of the United States,” he said. “Right now there’s no accountability. They do not support the President’s program. It’s an open secret on Capitol Hill. Everybody in this city knows it.”


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