Concrete Border Wall Prototype Contractors Announced

Border Wall Plan AP

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Thursday afternoon U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced the first four contractors that will build border wall prototypes in San Diego.

Acting Deputy Commissioner Ronald Vitiello addressed a room full of reporters on Thursday afternoon in Washington D.C. to make the announcement on the progress on border wall prototype construction.

Construction is now scheduled to begin in the fall, although CBP will be discussing the timeline with vendors.

Four contractors have been granted agreements to construct concrete border wall prototypes:

  • Caddell Construction Co. (DE), LLC of Montgomery, AL
  • Fisher Sand & Gravel Co., DBA Fisher Industries of Tempe, AZ
  • Texas Sterling Construction Co. of Houston, TX
  • W.G. Yates & Sons Construction Company of Philadelphia, MS

The prototypes will feature characteristics such as reinforced concrete and heights between 18 and 30 feet. They have been “designed to deter illegal crossings in the area in which they are constructed,” according to a CBP press release.

“The concrete border wall prototypes will allow CBP to evaluate the potential for new wall and barrier designs that could complement the wall and barrier designs we have used along the border over the last several years,” according the a CBP release on wall prototype construction. “As the border security environment continues to evolve, CBP will continually refresh its own inventory of tools to meet that evolution.”

Vitiello discussed the prototypes to be built in the San Diego area. He stated that the wall will complement the other tools that are used to “detect and deter” illegal crossings into the United States.

Construction of the prototypes is to be completed within 30 days of the order for the construction, which Vitiello indicated could come in the next couple of weeks. Prototypes are designed to be concrete, 30 feet long, and up to 30 feet high. They will be in close proximity to each other. There will be testing of aspects of the walls including aesthetics and anti-climb features. There will be 30-60 days of evaluation of the prototypes.

A CBP release referenced President Donald Trump’s executive order Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements, which required the Department of Homeland Security to “immediately plan, design and construct a physical wall along the southern border, using appropriate materials and technology to most effectively achieve complete operational control of the southern border.”

“The prototypes will inform future design standards, which will likely continue to evolve to meet the U.S. Border Patrol’s requirements,” according to the CBP release.

Four additional prototypes will be built for “other than concrete” wall designs and contractors for those are yet to be announced.

Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter @MichelleDiana 


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