The home of former vice-president and climate change activist Al Gore burns 34 times more electricity than the average American household, a report from National Center for Public Policy Research has revealed.

According to the report, Gore’s energy use at his 10,070-square-foot Colonial-style home in the upmarket Belle Meade neighborhood of Nashville averages 19,241-kilowatt hours (kWh) a month, compared to the U.S. household average of 901 kWh per month.

Over the past year, Gore has used more energy than the average American family does in 21 years, and has an enormous energy bill of $22,000 a year.

However, that money is pocket change compared to his estimated net worth of $300 million, which he has acquired through years of corporate speeches, documentary films, and book deals.

One of Gore’s most energy guzzling facilities is his heated outdoor swimming pool, which used 66,159 kWh of electricity over the past 12 months, equivalent to the average yearly energy output of six American households.

The study is only an analysis of Gore’s energy use in his Nashville property, obtained through open records requests and phone calls to NES, and does not account for energy usage at his two other properties — a penthouse in San Francisco and a farmhouse in Tennessee.

Gore’s latest filmAn Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, a follow-up to Gore’s Oscar-winning 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth, studies the efforts made to tackle climate change and Al Gore’s attempts to persuade politicians to invest in renewable energy, culminating in Barack Obama’s signing of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016.

The former vice president announced last month the documentary will include a last-minute edit to include President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement.

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