“My vagina has its own voice.”

“Drag King, Drag Queen. Just do what feels right.”

“You’re a tall pansexual, flirty wood sprite? Who enjoys a Fleshlight in the cold moonlight? With a sad clown Skyping via satellite?”

Just some of the lines which generated a massive profits boost for the trauma-counselling industry earlier this year in response to the car-crash, viral-internet-sensation horror show that was episode nine of Bill Nye Saves The World.

Now this story has taken a turn for the even-worse with the truly appalling news that the segment has been nominated for an Emmy award.

That scene from Nye’s Netflix show –  a transgender-celebrating song-and-dance routine starring actress Rachel Bloom – was celebrated across the internet as one of the most embarrassing moments in the history of television.

So too was the ensuing cod-scientific lecture in which Nye bade farewell to whatever last tattered shreds remained of his credibility by explaining that there are not in fact just two sexes (male and female) but lots and lots of different genders in a range of lovely, vibrant flavors…

Now the liberal Establishment has rewarded Nye’s on-message affirmation of these fashionable gender pieties by putting him up for an Emmy.

According to the Daily Caller:

The Television Academy Awards nominated writers on “Bill Nye Saves The World” for a musical number suggesting that sexuality exists on a spectrum. The episode raised concern from conservatives and YouTube denizens alike, many of whom mocked the show for awkwardly associating social sciences with physical sciences.

“It’s been a record-breaking year for television, continuing its explosive growth,” Television Academy Chairman Hayma Washington said in a press statement announcing this year’s Emmy nominations. “We are thrilled to once again honor the very best that television has to offer.”

Earlier this year, Washington told Variety in his first interview:

The Television Academy, we’re a nonpolitical organization.

Sure you are, Washington. For what possible reason could a song and dance routine about vaginas, drag queens and gender-fluidity have been nominated, except on pure merit?