President Donald Trump nominated former Federal Communications Commissioner (FCC) Jessica Rosenworcel to fill the FCC’s empty commissioner position.

Rosenworcel served as commissioner from 2012 to 2016, however, she stepped down after her first term expired. Now, the Senate can confirm Rosenworcel for another term at the FCC.

The former FCC commissioner remains a steadfast supporter of net neutrality, Rosenworcel voted for the FCC’s Open Internet Order in 2015 which established the controversial public monopoly regulations of the internet. Rosenworcel will become a key ally to other Democratic Commissioner Mignon Clyburn on net neutrality against FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and his Republican colleague Michael O’Reilly. Pai and O’Reilly started the process to repeal net neutrality that will likely conclude in August.

The nominee was widely believed to be the front-runner for the open FCC slot. Many congressional Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer recommended her for the job.

Analysts also expect President Trump to nominate an open Republican slot at the FCC, largely believed to be the FCC’s lead counsel Brendan Carr alongside Rosenworcel. Confirming Rosenworcel without confirming another Republican commissioner would put the FCC at an even split, leaving the agency in an ideological logjam.

Tech analysts speculate that Rosenworcel could also serve as Clyburn’s replacement. Clyburn’s term expires at the end of June. The White House has yet to stipulate whether the president will renominate Clyburn for another term.