Saudi King Salman at Terrorism Summit: ‘Stand United to Fight the Forces of Evil’

King Salman-SaudiArabia-May-21-2017-AP
Evan Vucci / Associated Press

Saudi Arabian King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud said on Sunday at the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh that the global community must be united in its fight against terrorism in all forms. President Donald Trump also spoke.

“Our responsibilities towards God, our people and towards the entire world is to stand united to fight the forces of evil and extremism whatever their sources are,” Salman said.

“One of the most important goals of Islamic Sharia is protecting life and that there is no honor in committing murder — Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance,” Salman said, adding that “killing an innocent soul is tantamount to killing all of humanity.”

Salman also took his time in the spotlight to level charges again Iran.

“The Iranian regime has been the spearhead of global terrorism,” Salman said, alleging that the birth of the kind of terrorism that plagues the world today has its roots in the 1979 Iranian revolutions.

And, Salman said, attempts to engage Iran in fruitful relationships with its neighbors have failed.

“It has responded with expansionist aspirations, criminal practices and interference of internal affairs of other countries,” Salman said, adding that Iran’s aggressive behavior is a “violation of international law.”

Salman said Saudi Arabia is committed to “eradicating terrorism” — “regardless of their religion, sect or ideology.”

In his remarks, Trump called perpetrators of Islamic terrorism “barbaric criminals.”

“This is not a battle between different faiths, different sects, or different civilizations,” Trump said. “This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life, and decent people all in the name of religion.”


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