Legendary conservative radio talk-show host Michael Savage offers some insight into how President Donald Trump has done in his first 100-plus days and what he needs to do to “save” his presidency.
This story was published at WND.com:
Talk-radio host Michael Savage, whom Donald Trump has credited as a key to winning the White House, dedicated his show Wednesday to asking listeners for their input on how to save an infant presidency in crisis.
“Right now, truthfully, the administration is in trouble. It’s not because they did anything wrong; it’s because of the appearance that the radical left has created,” Savage said.
“The mad, mad bees of the left are swarming and stinging.”
Savage said Trump should begin with curbing his use of social media and his reliance on family members for advice.
“Number one, stop the impulsive tweeting. It’s unnecessary, it doesn’t help. You can make mistakes when you tweet,” Savage said, pointing to tweets about the firing of FBI Director James Comey Tuesday as an example.
“I think he should calm down. I think he should withdraw from the picture for awhile. I think he should let all the president’s men stand up there and take the heat,” he continued.
“I think he should get out of the spotlight for a while.”
You can read the rest of the story here.
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