In an attempt to increase pressure on sanctuary cities, the Department of Homeland Security has published its first weekly list of all 118 localities refusing to cooperate with the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown.

Each week, the list will publish every detention request rejected by local jails — detailing the relevant agency, the status of the immigrant, and the charges they are facing.

The first report was published this Monday, listing 206 cases in which illegal aliens were arrested and consequently released from jail without charge, despite recommendations from the Immigration and Crime Enforcement agency (ICE) to detain them for at least 48 hours.

The cases listed took place between January 28th to February 3rd, Donald Trump’s second week in office.

In his executive order signed January 25th designed to properly enforce immigration policy, Trump said regular lists were necessary to better inform the public “regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions.”

“When it comes to public safety, there is no place for politics; no Republicans, no Democrats, just citizens, and good citizens,” Trump said. We want safe communities. We demand safe communities for everyone.”

A poll conducted by the University of California Berkeley in January found that in the state of California, where sanctuary cities are particularly prominent, 74 percent would like to see them abolished.

In February, the state’s Democrat-controlled legislature proposed a bill to make California a “sanctuary state,” although it could risk the loss of federal funding if it does so.

The issue of “sanctuary cities” was a major theme in the 2016 presidential election. On July 1, 2015, a young woman, Kate Steinle, was shot and killed while walking on a pier with her father by an illegal alien who had several felony convictions and had been deported several times already.

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