Planned Parenthood and its other colleagues have cobbled together another “women’s” event that celebrates a mish-mash of leftist dream issues, but a group of freedom-minded American women says it is serving as a “positive counter-movement” to the “Day Without a Woman’ strike.

Right2Speak says that while Wednesday’s “Day Without a Woman’ demonstration urges women to leave their jobs and stop their normal activities, its group will instead urge women “to continue working, serving, giving, sharing, and loving their communities, their families, and their endeavors.”

“With disproportionate media attention going to the recent Women’s March movement, there is a very important story that is not being told,” Toni Anne Dashiell, the founder of Right2Speak, said, according to USA Today. “This is the story of the women in America who have been cast to the side by the spectacle of the extreme far left. We believe all women have the right to speak, the right to participate and the right to express their values without being dismissed.”

Freedom-minded women note the ‘Day Without a Woman’ strike only includes liberal, women, since conservative women were barred from partnering with the original Women’s anti-Trump March in January.

“We don’t feel like the voices on the far left represent all women,” explains Ohio Right2Speak spokeswoman LeeAnn Johnson. “We won’t allow our voices to be drowned out. Instead, we will participate with grace and dignity. The heartland of America often gets ignored, and we’re standing up so that our voice is heard.”

“We are voices of reason and integrity, of both love and liberty,” said Right2Speak member Robin Moore. “I will fight not just for my voice to be heard, but for the voices of all women who are being marginalized by this far-left movement.”

Right2Speak is posting its stories and photos on social media using hashtags #NotMyProtest and #WeShowUp.

Another group called The Network of Enlightened Women (NeW) is also not participating in the Day Without a Woman strike.

Karin Agness, founder and president of NeW, wrote in an op-ed for Forbes:

While organized under the banner of a broad ‘Women’s March’ to benefit all women, it is more accurately a progressive women’s effort that excludes millions of women.

The Women’s March movement is less about supporting all women and more about advocating for progressive policy positions on a wide variety of issues, from immigration to the environment. Pro-life women, for example, are not welcome. In January, the organizers of the Women’s March revoked partnership with the New Wave Feminists because the group is pro-life.

Striking from the workplace and society on Wednesday won’t advance women.

If participants in the Women’s March are truly concerned about being behind in the workplace, they could take concrete actions that would immediately be more productive for women. Marchers could mentor junior female colleagues, giving career advice. They could ask to meet with a boss to discuss ways to take on more responsibility and in turn, earn more money. Or they could work an extra 30 minutes.

NeW will be using the hashtag #WorkingWoman on social media.