Mike Allen, co-founder of both Politico and the soon-to-launch Axios media company, praised Breitbart News for covering critical issues so often ignored and scorned by other outlets, implying they paved the way for his own new media effort.

“We admire so much of what’s been built at Breitbart. And—Charlie, Matt—one of the things we like about Breitbart is you do things people aren’t. And both journalistically and as a business, that’s a great place to be right now,” Allen told SiriusXM hosts Matthew Boyle and Charlie Spiering.

“Don’t be doing what other people are. It’s not working,” he added.

Asked why he decided to help launch Axios Media, Allen cited the overturning of the old establishment order.

“There’s never been a time where people are hungering for something new. So much of the legacy media right now is discredited, defensive, and as you know and your listeners benefit from, people are so hungry for illumination about this ‘New World.’ The new Washington, the new media,” he said. “So much of it took large swaths of the electorate and both the people who bring us our news and make news by surprise. So it’s a great time to be starting something new.”

Axios means “worthy” in Greek, Allen said, and it means “worthy content and worthy journalism, and worthy audience” for his new media company.

“But as we get the team together… What I tell them is, people will say: They’re smart. We trust them. They don’t waste my time. So that’s what we’re going for, and the four, big topics that we’ll cover are business, tech, media, and politics,” Allen said.

“And Breitbart has been very smart about this, seeing that those topics, of course, are colliding, converging, and coming together,” he said.

Breitbart News Saturday airs from 10 AM to 1 PM EST on SiriusXM Patriot channel 125.