In just over a month, the composition of our federal-level leadership – and the political philosophies that animate it – will undergo a massive shift. Some of the attendant changes will be significant and drastic. Others will not be felt for a while, if at all. Some campaign promises will be kept, and others will be forgotten. By now we know that neither party is exempt from that reality.
So will healthcare policy be impacted? That remains to be seen. No matter what is on the horizon, the one thing hasn’t changed is that Americans are looking for healthcare that actually suits their needs. As costs skyrocket and options shrink, it’s no surprise that some people are experiencing a fundamental shift in the way they think about their healthcare.
As a Christian healthcare sharing ministry, Liberty HealthShare facilitates the sharing of medical costs between its members, like-minded individuals who have committed to shoulder one another’s eligible healthcare costs as a group. Of course each individual has his or her own story, but Liberty believes there are a few key reasons why its members have chosen to approach healthcare costs in this unique way.
For starters, Americans are tired of being told what to think and do. Liberty HealthShare believes people are smart enough to choose what is best for them and their families. As a matter of fact, the ministry functions best when its members prize personal responsibility.
Secondly, Liberty believes people care about each other. Despite the things that divide our diverse nation, if you ask most people, they genuinely want to help one another. Healthcare sharing is necessarily about community. It’s about being there to help one another when circumstances take an unexpected turn.
Thirdly, Americans want to know where their money is going and why. The divide between patients, their doctors, and insurance companies is now massive. This has made it so that neither doctors nor patients feel they have a real stake in the cost of care. Prices are arbitrarily set, and layers of bureaucracy make it nearly impossible for patients to intelligently shop around. Making matters worse, insurance companies answer to shareholders, not patients. Participating in a healthcare sharing ministry puts control back in the hands of members and allows them to bring their doctors along as they approach their healthcare costs in a revolutionary way.
Finally, people generally want to do the right thing. Not only does Liberty HealthShare believe cost sharing can be an effective way for self-pay patients to mutually bear one another’s medical costs, but they also believe it is simply the right thing to do. Historically, Christians have borne each other’s burdens, and they are making it possible for people to carry that tradition forward.
So what does healthcare in America look like in 2017? Your guess is as good as ours. What we can say with certainty is that Liberty HealthShare remains committed to helping Americans become better, savvier consumers of healthcare. Their hope is that more and more people will investigate Christian healthcare sharing and, if they determine it’s for them, join them in their mission of changing healthcare for good. To learn more about Liberty HealthShare and Christian healthcare sharing, visit Liberty HealthShare’s website, or give them a call at 855-585-4237. They would love to tell you more.