There is absolutely no reason anyone should still be “struggling” with the choice for President.

Voters do not have a choice between a perfect candidate and three others, but it is a national embarrassment that the Democrat candidate belongs in jail and not on the November ballot.

The  only reason anyone should vote for Hillary Clinton on November 8 is give formal representation at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to the nation’s criminal class. Clinton would indeed represent that class very well.

The scandal is that Hillary Clinton would already be in jail as the head of an international crime syndicate if she were not being protected by the media establishment and Obama’s political operatives in the Department of Justice. The ferocity with which she is being defended despite her pubic record betrays the moral bankruptcy of too many of elites– not only in government but in the media, the universities, law firms and in the business community.

Does anyone need a list of her crimes and her national security fiascoes? Should we ask voters to print a list of known crimes to take with them to the polling booth as a reminder? Maybe the Trump campaign should publish in the top 50 newspapers a full page ad providing a simple list of the top 100 reasons to send HRC back to Arkansas — while she awaits her day in court.

Any full list would occupy a large book and not a newspaper advertisement, but here are a few of the most well-documented crimes and national security nightmares that are in her resume. How many voters really want four years of such self-serving cronyism orchestrated out of the White House?

Our true national scandal is not that Clinton has so far escaped indictment, it is that so many of our civic and political institutions have been corrupted by a misguided loyalty to the Clinton crime syndicate.

From the board rooms of Wall Street to the editorial boards of local newspapers and the town halls of the League of Women Voters, the defense of the “progressive cause” has come down to defending the indefensible –pay-for-play cronyism, open borders  and national security breaches on a global scale.

A full chronicle of Hillary Clinton’s crimes will someday fill a large shelf of books, if not a whole library.

If she is elected President next week, a complete shelf of books will be needed to chronicle her impeachment in Congress, likely removal from office, and the resulting damage to our institutions. The Watergate scandal will look like a Sunday picnic by comparison.

The Clinton Crime Syndicate nightmare can be brought to an end by a resounding “NO!” vote on Hillary Clinton on November 8. Anything less will be an indictment not of her, but of our own cultural degradation and hopeless cronyism.