Hillary Clinton Next to Cardinal Dolan at Al Smith Dinner One Day After Defending Partial Birth Abortion


Just one day after defending late-term partial birth abortion in the third presidential debate, Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton was seated next to New York archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan at the annual Al Smith Dinner charity fundraiser.

The sanctity of all human life is a primary doctrine of the Catholic Church.

“I will defend Planned Parenthood,” Clinton said in Las Vegas during the final presidential debate.

“I will defend Roe v. Wade, and I will defend women’s rights to make their own healthcare decisions,” she added, continuing the pro-abortion narrative that abortion is healthcare.

WikiLeaks recently revealed emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta showing the campaign denigrating the Catholic faith.

Dolan said Monday at the “Respect Life Dinner” that he found the Clinton campaign’s treatment of Catholics, as revealed in the leaked emails, “extraordinarily patronizing and insulting.”

“[I]f it had been said about the Jewish community, the Islamic community, within 10 minutes there would have been an apology and a complete distancing from those remarks, which hasn’t happened yet,” Dolan said, reports ABC’s News Channel 13. “I’m hoping that she’s going to distance herself from these remarks by her chief of staff.”

Maureen Ferguson, senior policy advisor with The Catholic Association, noted in a statement Friday, “Prior to last night’s Al Smith Dinner, a fundraiser for Catholic Charities, Cardinal Dolan asked for an apology from Hillary Clinton for the anti-Catholic sentiments expressed by her campaign leadership in leaked emails.”

“Even more disturbing than the disparaging remarks in the emails are Hillary Clinton’s own statements that ‘religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed’ to line up with her abortion agenda,” Ferguson added. “Her plan is to use the force of the federal government to deprive groups like Catholic Charities of their right to serve the poor according to their faith.”

During the debate Wednesday evening, Clinton complained about states that have restricted abortion to five months into pregnancy and those that have attempted to secure the health of women seeking abortion by requiring abortion clinics to maintain the same types of health and safety standards as other outpatient surgical facilities.

While campaigning, Clinton has compared pro-life Americans to terrorists.

“Extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups, we expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world, but it’s a little hard to take coming from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States,” she said. “Yet, they espouse out of date and out of touch policies. They are dead wrong for 21st century America. We are going forward, we are not going back.”


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