Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Statistically Tied in New Poll of Florida Voters


A new poll of likely voters in Florida shows Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a virtual tie with Election day less than two months away.

The new poll sponsored by two Florida Fox TV stations showed a was a dead-heat with Clinton measuring in at 46.6 percent and Trump barely behind her at 46.3 percent.

Libertarian Gary Johnson received the support of a mere 3.9 percent of respondents while the Green Party’s Jill Stein came in with a tiny 1.7 percent.

As the campaigns are winding down, only nine respondents said they were still undecided.

The poll also had good news for U.S. Senate candidate and former GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio. 47.1 percent of respondents said they’d vote for Rubio over the 42.9 percent who picked Democrat challenger Patrick Murphy.

The poll also found that 50.6 percent thought Hillary won the first debate while 40.5 percent thought Trump did. But this perception clearly didn’t affect the votes of too many Trump supporters.

The poll was taken between Sept. 28 and Sept. 29 and has a 4 percent margin of error. The poll was somewhat small, with 223 Republicans and 229 Democrats participating alongside 167 independents.

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