GOP leaders in North Carolina are pushing back twice as hard against the Democrat-led alliance of business, gay and transgender advocacy groups which is now trying to damage the state’s economy in the run-up to the November gubernatorial election. 

On Monday, the NCAA yanked seven minor championship games from the state as GOP leaders refused the intrusive demand by gay advocacy groups that bathrooms and showers be opened to both sexes when a cross-dressing or transgender  person wants to use the public or K-12 facility. 

GOP leaders have been trying to finesse this transgender issue, because voters strongly oppose the transgender push while business leaders are pleading for an end to the Democrat-organized economic war against the state’s business community. But Gov. Pat McCrory and his deputies have now decided to go on the offensive against the far-reaching and unpopular transgender agenda, which would gradually stigmatize and outlaw the public’s recognition that the two sexes — men and women, boys and girls — want a civic society that supports their equal and different preferences. 

“This [transgender boycott] is so absurd it’s almost comical,” said a statement from GOP state spokeswoman, Kami Mueller.  If the NCAA wants mixed-sex bathrooms, 

I genuinely look forward to the NCAA merging all men’s and women’s teams together as singular, unified, unisex teams. Under the NCAA’s logic, colleges should make cheerleaders and football players share bathrooms, showers and hotel rooms.

This decision is an assault to female athletes across the nation. If you are unwilling to have women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, how do you have a women’s team? I wish the NCAA was this concerned about the women who were raped at Baylor. Perhaps the NCAA should stop with their political peacocking— and instead focus their energies on making sure our nation’s collegiate athletes are safe, both on and off the field.

The GOP Lt. Governor also got straight to the point, by highlighting the NCAA’s self-serving actions during rape scandals. 

“The NCAA’s [demand for mixed-sex bathrooms] sends a message to every female athlete and female fan attending their events that their privacy and security in a bathroom, shower or locker room isn’t worth the price of a ticket to a ballgame, said the response from North Carolina’s Lt. Governor Dan Forest:

We have seen the NCAA’s attitude towards women before when they stood by and did nothing during the rapes at Baylor. For years, we’ve seen the NBA turn a blind eye towards women victims of domestic abuse at the hands of their star players. Why should we be surprised now at the NCAA continuing this pattern of discrimination and degradation of women? The line has now been drawn in the sand, first by Hollywood, now by the NBA and NCAA, either accept their ‘progressive sexual agenda’ or pay the price. North Carolina will not play that game. We value our women too much to put a price tag on their heads.”

McCrory has also cut an ad directly attacking the push for mixed-sex bathrooms, and his Democratic opponent, Attorney General Rory Cooper. 

The last time Governor McCrory showed he would fight for the privacy and safety, he slingshot past Cooper in the polls to grab a four or five point lead.  That lead shift represented a 15 point swing in McCrory’s favor.

Regardless of Democrats’ boycott — which is coordinated for “transgender” activists by the New York and D.C.-based gay advocacy groups –business is booming in the state of North Carolina, so much so that the state has the fastest growing economy in the county — but you’d never know it from local media reports.

During Governor Pat McCrory’s tenure, the state has made extraordinary strides in the state’s economy, and has managed to get itself out of the massive debt left behind by the previous administration under Governor Bev Perdue.

Here are just a few stunning economic success stories as compiled by the North Carolina Department of Commerce in a report release on August 22, 2016:

The list goes on, citing rapid small business growth and multiple awards for ‘best business climate’, as well as noting that people are continuing to move here in large numbers. Tourism numbers are also up in nearly every single county in the state.

However local media have either under-reported or buried it the good news. Why? It’s not helping Democrats in the state, in particular Cooper, who is challenging McCrory in this Fall’s election.

Cooper has been using the media’s dislike of the state’s GOP-led, bipartisan House Bill 2, or HB2, also known as the ‘bathroom bill,’ as a political lever which he and the NC Democrats can pull every time they need to recover in the polls. Cooper was exposed earlier this year by The Wall Street Journal as having personally assisted  in the economic blackmail of the state.

The HB2 bill is a compromise law. It was passed in March, and it preserves single-sex facilities for the public. But it also allows transgenders to use opposite-sex public facilities after they undergo surgery. However, because the law preserves the normal distinctions between male and female — dubbed the “gender binary” by gay groups — it is fiercely rejected by Democratic and gay advocacy groups. 

Economist Dr. John Connaughton recently noted in an interview with WNCN  that HB2 really is only having a minor impact. In fact, the impact is mainly being felt in Charlotte – where the controversy began with the illegal ordinance passed by the Democrat majority held Charlotte City Council.

The North Carolina Democratic Party’s David Miranda also issued a statement. However, Miranda was cited in the WikiLeaks DNC Email dump in an email exchange that characterized the economic sabotage in North Carolina as “awesome”.

This recent attempt at fiscal blackmail by the NCAA is hardly a coincidence. It would seem that  the announcement is a clear effort to stomp on the good economic news in the state and revive the main campaign point of the Democrats.

Local media seems uninterested that the NCAA has had transgender friendly policies since 2011, but yet waited six months after the passage of HB2 to suddenly pull their games out of North Carolina. The headlines from around the state were practically gleeful about the news.

To read more about the gay vs. “gender binary” fight in North Carolina, click here