Hillary Clinton fielded questions for the first 30 minutes of NBC’s “Commander-in-Chief forum” Wednesday night, and moderator Matt Lauer dedicated more than a third of the time to asking the Democratic presidential nominee about her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State.
For nearly 12 minutes of the 30-minute forum, Clinton faced a torrent of questions about her home-brew email server.
About four minutes in, Lauer asked Clinton why her private email use is not “disqualifying.” Clinton quickly mentioned that it was a “mistake” and insisted that “none of the emails sent or received by me” had a “secret” or “top secret” or “confidential” header.
Moments later, Clinton contradicted herself and confessed to sending emails involving America’s “covert drone program.”
This blunder was not lost on NBC reporter Alexandra Jaffe.
A moment later, Lauer was still asking about Clinton’s emails.
More than seven minutes in, Clinton claimed that the FBI found no evidence that our enemies had hacked into her email account. She said this despite FBI Director Comey stating that Clinton’s private email server was vulnerable to hacking from “any foreign power, or other hostile actors.”
More than 10 minutes into the forum Clinton was still being grilled about her private email server.
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