It has now been 277 days since Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton held a press conference.
The only event on #HidingHillary’s public schedule is the Commander-in-Chief forum in New York City, where she and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will field questions on national security, military affairs, and veterans issues. The candidates will not appear on stage together, but according to media host NBC, the candidates will appear back-to-back.
Wednesday, Trump campaign’s Rapid Response director, Steven Cheung, released the “question of the day” for Hiding Hillary, coined “A PRESS GAGGLE IS NOT A PRESS CONFERENCE EDITION”: “Secretary Clinton, do agree with the Obama Administration sending an additional $1.3 billion in hard currency to Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terror?”
The Trump campaign release went on to explain that The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that the Obama administration had made more cash payments to Iran than the $400 million cash ransom previously reported. The Trump campaign release also highlighted examples of Clinton’s support of the Iranian deal.
This series will continue to highlight your questions and comments regarding #HidingHillary. If you’d like to be included in the next #HidingHillary column, tweet to @DustinStockton and try to include the hashtag #HidingHillary.
The Washington Post‘s Callum Borchers included Hiding Hillary Day 275 to explain the difference between a press conference and a press gaggle:
@Clear_Honesty pointed out that you have to pay to read Clinton’s full agenda in her book Stronger Together:
@dancarty5 sent us this photoshop of the press core taking proper precautions to avoid getting coughed on:
and @RDRunrF7 sent in his best Hillary impression:
Dustin Stockton is a political reporter for Breitbart News, a community liaison for Gun Owners of America, and a political strategist. Follow him on Twitter @DustinStockton or Facebook.