It’s now been 262 days since Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton held a press conference. Her next scheduled public event is in Reno, Nevada on August 25 where she is expected to attack the Alt-Right. As a result #HillarysAltRightSpeech has been trending on Twitter.

Last night Clinton made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live where she fielded “tough” questions like, “how great would it be if your first act was to deport Donald Trump to Mexico?” And, “are you enjoying being a grandparent?” Or this doozy, “Do you think Jeb Bush is going to vote for you?” The appearance lasted for less than 20 minutes.

Yesterday, we reported on “journalism” school professor Jeff Jarvis blaming the media for Hillary’s absence because they would ask “tough” questions. The theme for today was supposed to be the kind of softball questions Jeff Jarvis “journalists” would ask – but Kimmel pretty much covered it.

Here are some of the best questions/comments received yesterday.

James Taranto (@JamesTaranto) from the Wall Street Journal lit into @JeffJarvis for his hot take:

@magnifier661 photoshopped a “Weekend at Hillary’s” picture of the media carrying Hillary across the finish line:

@ocitman imagined @JeffJarvis asking Hillary softball questions about food…

…while @Anarchoca imagined @JeffJarvis asking Hillary the proper way to address her:

@SteveDietrich wants to know how the Clinton Foundation gets away with spending so little on actual charity:

@KelMcGuire333 has questions about Huma’s ability to get a security clearance..

… and @con_boethius wants to know who is giving Hillary fashion advice:

And then, there’s @Davis4_k who simply wants to know if Hillary’s ever considered just being honest:

If you’d like to have your tweets included in tomorrow’s article “Hiding Hillary Day 263” tweet your question to @DustinStockton and try to use the hashtag #HidingHillary.

Dustin Stockton is a political reporter for Breitbart News, a community liaison for Gun Owners of America, and a political strategist. Follow him on Twitter @DustinStockton or  Facebook.