President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are now both on Martha’s Vineyard as former President Bill Clinton prepares to celebrate his 70th birthday on the island.

It is unclear whether the Obamas will attend Clinton’s birthday party, which according to a Clinton aide will include “family and friends.”

Obama has spent most of his vacation time on the island golfing and spending late nights out with friends, while Hillary Clinton has remained on the campaign trail.

Clinton’s visit to Martha’s Vineyard comes after the Baton Rouge Advocate penned an editorial asking President Obama to appear in Louisiana for the sake of residents suffering from historic floods.

Now that the flood waters ravaging Louisiana are receding, it’s time for President Barack Obama to visit the most anguished state in the union.

Last week, as torrential rains brought death, destruction and misery to Louisiana, the president continued his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard, a playground for the posh and well-connected.

We’ve seen this story before in Louisiana, and we don’t deserve a sequel. In 2005, a fly-over by a vacationing President George W. Bush became a symbol of official neglect for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The current president was among those making political hay out of Bush’s aloofness.

Sometimes, presidential visits can get in the way of emergency response, doing more harm than good. But we don’t see that as a factor now that flood waters are subsiding, even if at an agonizing pace. It’s past time for the president to pay a personal visit, showing his solidarity with suffering Americans.

Thursday night, the president and the First Lady were out until nearly midnight at the Beach Road restaurant. Obama also spent the afternoon on his ninth round of golf in the 14 days he has been on vacation.

Obama’s vacation schedule today has been empty, prompting speculation from reporters that the president may end up at the Clinton Birthday party. On Friday afternoon, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his running mate Mike Pence landed in Baton Rouge to visit flood victims.

On Monday, the president attended a fundraiser for Clinton, praising her warmly and urging Democrats to “run scared” against Donald Trump.

“It is absolutely critical that we have a capable, visionary, hardworking, diligent, smart, tenacious leader in the Oval Office,” he said. “And that’s Hillary Clinton. That’s who she is.”