Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and her Vice President choice Ajamu Baraka took direct aim at Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and openly courted supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders during a townhall on CNN with Chris Cuomo.

Leading up to the townhall, Stein took aim at Gary Johnson by promising not to be supportive of Hillary Clinton the way the Libertarian candidate was during his CNN townhall.

Stein honored her word blasting Hillary as “too big to jail.”

Stein took direct aim at the central theme of Hillary’s campaign — that she’s a woman — by attacking the Democrat nominee as not being a real feminist

Finally, she attacked Hillary for moving to the right instead of appealing to left-wing supporters of Bernie Sanders.

The other major theme that Stein focused on was courting supporters of Bernie Sanders. She started by parroting many complaints about the “rigged” process revealed in the leak of the Democrat National Convention showing the DNC openly supporting Hillary during the primary instead of remaining neutral.

When asked a question from a Bernie supporter she made her case.

The reaction on social media from Bernie supporters appeared to be overwhelmingly positive.

Dustin Stockton is a political reporter for Breitbart News, a community liaison for Gun Owners of America, and a political strategist. Follow him on Twitter @DustinStockton or  Facebook.