With the help of visual aids, Donald Trump stayed focused on criticizing President Obama and Hillary Clinton’s record during a campaign rally in Kissimmee, Florida on Thursday night.

The Republican nominee showed the huge crowd several charts that he had made to bash Obama and Clinton — a new style that he’s recently been demonstrating on the campaign trail.

“So many things are going on. I watched the news — so much corruption, so much is being learned. Aren’t emails a wonderful thing?” Trump stated at the start of his rally, referencing many of the controversial emails and scandals surrounding Clinton’s campaign that keep being exposed by WikiLeaks and Judicial Watch.

“What a great invention,” he added about emails, but then said he won’t talk about it anymore and will allow people to learn about it on the news once they get home.

Trump did focus on blasting President Obama’s tenure as well as Clinton’s connections to foreign countries with the help of charts that the Republican nominee had made.

Trump, showing a bar graph, said Obama “has commuted the sentences of more men and women than the past nine presidents put together!”

“Some of these people are bad dudes,” he added. “These are people that are out. They’re walking the streets — sleep tight!”

He held up another chart showing the Clinton’s foreign contributions from countries like Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria, and Qatar.

Another chart demonstrated contributions from hedge funds, exposing Clinton as having received more than $48 million in donations from hedge funds, while Trump has only received $19,000.

“They used a terrible picture of Hillary and I said, ‘No way you’re going to do that — that’s no fair,’” Trump added about one card, saying it now has a “beautiful picture of Hillary.”

“Are we liking these cards? Isn’t this great,” he added. “It’s different.”

Trump spent all day Thursday campaigning in Florida, where he spoke in Miami to the National Associations of Home Builders in the morning and then met with evangelical pastors in Orlando Thursday afternoon before holding the evening campaign rally in Kissimmee. The New Yorker is campaigning in Pennsylvania on Friday.