Conservative movement leader Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is expressing the deep disappointment that she feels in Ted Cruz.
Fellow conservative movement veteran Richard Viguerie, who was a staunch anti-Trumper in the primary, published a piece on his website stating:
Failing to endorse the Trump – Pence ticket…was not good for Ted Cruz, conservatives, Republicans, and America…And most importantly for those of us who endorsed Ted Cruz and worked for him in the Republican primaries, he betrayed the trust we gave him that he was a bigger man than his attackers and that there was a cause greater than self in the hard-fought battles of the Republican primaries.
Thomas weighed in on Facebook, stating:
Richard Viguerie speaks for me here, as a former Ted Cruz supporter who spent time as a surrogate. I thought he cared about more of the country than he ended up caring about. Trump/Pence 2016 now.
Since Cruz’s convention snub of Trump, the Texas senator has lost a lot of supporters, but he remains a star within the dwindling #NeverTrump movement.
“Ted Cruz Sucks…Hillary Swallows” T-shirts made the rounds on Cleveland’s Fourth Avenue after Cruz’s speech.