Monday on ABC’s “The View,” while discussing presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s vice-presidential running mate pick Gov. Mike Pence (R-IN), co-host Joy Behar said if “you don’t believe in global warming you’re incompetent.”
Partial transcript as follows:
JEDEDIAH BILA: It looks like Mike Pence is the kid who has been called to the dean’s office with his dad and Donald Trump is the dad and he’s just sitting there like, “What did I do Dad? Did I do anything wrong?” It’s so painful because of the two men, Mike Pence is the competent one.
JOY BEHAR: Why is he competent?
BILA: He’s a successful governor.
BEHAR: He used to be a radio host.
BILA: This guy has accomplished something.
BEHAR: He doesn’t believe in global warming.
BILA: That doesn’t mean he’s incompetent.
BEHAR: You don’t believe in global warming, you’re incompetent. Sorry.
BILA: He’s been a governor.
SUNNY HOSTIN: I think people need to understand his record. When he became governor in 2013, state funding for Planned Parenthood was cut in half by 2014. He closed all the clinics that didn’t perform abortions. They tested women for STDs. When you look at his competence, it’s one of misogyny and discrimination.
BILA: He’s had to deal with balancing budgets, deal with being a manager of something. This is a guy who has government experience sitting next to Donald Trump.
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