Democrat Party Platform Fully Embraces Planned Parenthood, Abortion

hillary-clinton-planned-parenthood Alex Brandon—AP
Alex Brandon/AP

The increasingly radicalized Democrat Party is embracing abortion like never before in the latest draft of its platform, which includes particular support for Planned Parenthood against defunding efforts, and a vow to repeal the Hyde Amendment, a provision that prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion.

Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has said unborn babies have no constitutional rights and that she would work to repeal the Hyde Amendment so that federal taxpayer funds would pay for abortions on demand, particularly for low-income women who use Medicaid.

In a press release, The Democrat Convention committee said about its specific inclusion of Planned Parenthood’s abortion business in the latest draft of its platform, released July 1:

The platform goes further than previous Democratic platforms on women’s reproductive rights. It champions Planned Parenthood health centers and commits to push back on all Republican efforts to defund it. The platform also vows to oppose, and seek to overturn, all federal and state laws that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment. It also strongly supports the repeal of harmful restrictions that obstruct women’s access to healthcare around the world, including the Global Gag Rule and the Helms Amendment, which bars US assistance to other countries that provide safe, legal, abortion.

Planned Parenthood celebrated the Democrat Party’s specific inclusion of its abortion business in the platform via Twitter:

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards noted that abortion, i.e., “comprehensive reproductive healthcare,”  is “central” to the Democrat Party’s platform for the first time, reports the Washington Examiner.

“We also applaud the platform for affirming Planned Parenthood’s critical role in communities in the face of unprecedented attacks on reproductive health at the state and congressional levels, and the recognition that reproductive healthcare is core healthcare for women, men, and young people,” she added.

Planned Parenthood is under investigation by a special congressional panel that has probed the abortion giant’s apparent practices of selling the body parts of babies it aborts on the open market and altering the position of babies during abortion in order to harvest the most intact organs.



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