The leftist website Fight Back! News is promoting a list of about 40 groups planning to protest at July’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

The “Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC” rally is scheduled for July 18, the first day of the Republican National Convention. FightBack reports that the “protest will put forward the slogans, “Dump Trump, Say No to the Republican Agenda. Stand against Racist, Anti-immigrant and Anti-Muslim Attacks. We demand Peace, Justice and Equality” and goes on to say:

“We’re hoping for a march that draws thousands,” states Coalition spokesperson Mick Kelly. “There is a growing tide of anger in the country, directed against Trump and the reactionary, anti-people agenda of the Republican Party. We intend to fill the streets with people who reject their racist, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim attacks.”

One notable attendee will be the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) that openly advocates for minorities to secede from the union and form their own racial nation states, as seen in now common protest memes like “Make America Mexico Again.”

The FRSO is also connected to the Black Lives Matter movement and has major political connections in the city of San Francisco, as detailed in Treason: Dangerous Agenda Behind S.F. Sanctuary City Group, written after this reporter was illegally thrown out of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting. The article demonstrates how members of the board, including lead sanctuary city advocate John Avalos have direct connections to the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. In fact, one member of the FRSO was a paid member of Avalos’s staff during his failed attempt to become mayor of San Francisco.

Another group planning to attend is Students and Graduate Activists at University of Illinois, Chicago. SAGA was one of the groups that help shut down the Donald Trump rally in Chicago months ago that became a turning point in the campaign when Ted Cruz and other Trump rivals blamed Donald Trump himself for the outbreaks of leftist violence.

One member of the group bragged on

Kait McIntyre, another member of SAGA, says, “shutting down Trump at UIC was historic and a beautiful illustration of what people are able to accomplish when they unite anda work together. The action inspired similar demonstrations around the country, capturing interest and giving hope to all those fighting for justice across the world. I believe the march on the RNC will show us the same thing.”

Note that Kait McIntyre is a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, who has hosted anti-Israel events for the group in Chicago.

The other groups listed as planning to attend are listed below and linked to their website so you can who is in the far-left coalition opposing Trump and what they believe.

For example, a number of the group have also been part of rallies to support convicted terrorist murderer and illegal alien Rasmea Odeh, who Breitbart has written about previously:

Lee Stranahan is the director of the upcoming film The Bloody Road to Cleveland, the sequel to the 2012 film Occupy Unmasked. Follow him on Twitter. 

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