Aggressive gay advocacy groups are using their court-backed transformation of marriage law as a legal hammer to impose an unprecedented “genderless society” on Americans, says the president of the National Organization for Marriage.
Brian Brown – an organizer for the annual March for Marriage to be held in Washington, D.C. Saturday – said this year’s event will still focus on the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision last year that suppressed states’ rights to define marriage as the bond of one man and one woman.
However, he also added, “The focus this year will be broader and timely,” and noted:
In addition to protesting the illegitimate Supreme Court ruling of last year, and the [lawsuit] threats to religious liberty and freedom of conscience which have arisen in its wake, we will also be standing against the unprecedented and deplorable overreach of the Obama administration in trying to force the radical gender ideology of LGBT extremists on our communities.
Brown said the Obama administration’s directive on transgender bathroom policies “puts our wives and daughters in the uncomfortable and dangerous situation of sharing intimate facilities like bathroom and changing rooms with biological men who simply ‘identify’ as women.”
The March for Marriage was first held in 2013 as the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA. This year’s March on June 25 is timed with the Supreme Court’s decision in the Obergefell matter last year.
“Countless Americans recognize that this decision is illegitimate and unlawful and the March for Marriage provides an opportunity for them to stand up and say so,” Brown said.
In general, the transgender ideology says the state should require every American to validate every person’s choice of created “gender identity,” even though a man who wants to be a woman is still a man by every known scientific measure of evolutionary life. For example, an Oregon law recently allowed a jury to award $60,00 t0 a transgender teacher because other teachers declined to use the teacher’s preferred pronoun, which is “they” rather than “him” or “her.” New York City has also establish similar forced-speech rules.
The ideology’s claim that the state must enforce a new right to “gender identity” also means that the state must ignore and often dismantle many civic rules that evolved to help the two distinct sexes — men and boys, women and girls — meet their legally equal, but different and complementary, needs. For example, the transgender ideological demand means that single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms must opened up to people of the opposite sex, regardless of age, and without any verification of created “gender identity.”
As a result, it is now an offense in Washington State to ask a man in a woman’s bathroom if he thinks he is male or female. Similarly, Obama and gay advocacy groups have slammed a popular North Carolina law, dubbed HB2, because it requires people to undergo medical procedures before they can use a bathroom reserved for the opposite sex.
Similarly, the pro-transgender ideology will allow men to use shelters designated for battered women, to participate in girls’ sports leagues, and to impose government discrimination against any charitable or educational groups that are focused on either of the two sexes.