Blackwater CEO and former Navy SEAL Erik Prince discussed presidential candidate Donald Trump’s controversial proposal for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration with SirusXM host Stephen K. Bannon of Breitbart News Daily on Tuesday morning.

Prince thought Trump gave a “good speech” yesterday, in the wake of the Orlando terrorist attack, agreeing with Trump that “the current vetting program” for Middle Eastern refugees “is a complete farce.”

“The U.S. government has very little idea where refugees are coming from,” said Prince. “Even the killers of San Bernardino – everything on the woman’s application was a lie. That means the State Department person at the embassy in Islamabad was unable, or unwilling, or too lazy, to actually do a proper job vetting what the reality is of these people. So there’s no vetting, he’s right. And until there’s a proper vetting program in place, we just have to pause.”

“The world community does not have an inherent right to immigrate to the United States. There has to be some advantage to being an American citizen, in today’s day and age,” he contended.  

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.