‘I Cannot Endorse Trump,’ Leader of House’s Conservative Bloc Says

Associated Press

The chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the 170-strong conservative bloc inside the House of Representatives, says he’s not endorsing the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee Donald J. Trump at this time.

“I was incredibly angry to see Mr. Trump question a judge’s motives because of his ethnicity,” said Rep. Bill Flores (R.-Texas).

A spokeswoman for the congressman tells Breitbart News that members of Flores’ team are in touch with the Trump campaign, but an endorsement is still a work in progress.

The congressman plans on attending the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July and is not close to supporting the presumptive Democratic nominee for president Hillary R. Clinton, she said.

“I will not vote for Hillary Clinton and desire to vote for a bold, conservative leader. Mr. Trump can be that leader and we are ready to help him when he focuses on vision instead of inappropriate attacks,” the Texas congressman said.

“Seventy percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of this country. They know that President Obama’s policies have failed and that Hillary Clinton would continue his failed legacy,” he said.

Flores said he is waiting for the New York City developer to focus on what he sees as the more serious issues in the campaign.

“Trump needs to show how he will address the critical issues on the minds of Americans: national security and economic opportunity for hardworking American families,” he said. “Americans need to see more vision and less trash talk.”


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