Gun Owners of America: Obama Taking Grandpa’s Guns


Gun Owners of America (GOA) released a June 7 statement alerting Americans that Obama is trying to take guns from grandparents.

GOA makes this assertion based on Obama’s executive gun controls, which include a gun ban for some Social Security beneficiaries, and the actual federal registry announcement showing that an overview of the Social Security gun ban has been “formally published” by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Breitbart News previously reported that the SSA’s overview of the ban contains details making it clear that beneficiaries who do not receive benefits themselves, but have them sent to someone who manages finances for them, take the risk of running afoul of the SSA and being prohibited from purchasing guns.

Page 19 of the SSA’s 41-page overview of the gun ban reads:

Under our representative payee policy, unless direct payment is prohibited, we presume that an adult beneficiary is capable of managing or directing the management of benefits. However, if we have information that the beneficiary has a mental or physical impairment that prevents him or her from managing or directing the management of benefits, we will develop the issue of capability. If a beneficiary has a mental impairment, we will develop the capability issue if there is an indication that the beneficiary may lack the ability to reason properly, is disoriented, has seriously impaired judgment, or is unable to communicate with others.

Now GOA is explaining how this Social Security gun ban works itself out in real life–namely, by depriving grandpa of the ability to legally purchase a firearm.

GOA put it this way:

If you are on Social Security disability by reason of a mental health impairment, then your gun rights are gone. Period.

The regulation promises to aggressively search for and take away the gun rights of Social Security Disability recipients with PTSD, ADHD, post partem [sic] depression, Alzheimer’s, etc.

But understand this:  Some parts of the regulation, like the definition of “adjudicated as a mental defective” in proposed CFR 421.105, are applicable to all Title II recipients, including old-age programs. Thus, under this language, if you are a senior and can’t “manage [your] own affairs,” you are specifically acknowledged by the Social Security Administration as being a “mental defective” for purposes of making you a prohibited person.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at


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