‘Tian-Tian’Wang: Chinese-Americans Support Trump Because He Is the Alpha Male the World Needs

Chinese Americans for Trump

More than two dozen Chinese-Americans for Trump “captains” met with the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee Friday morning at a private event next to the candidate’s Beverly Hills home.

“He was so thrilled to see us,” said Tian “Tian-Tian” Wang, the president and founder of the group devoted to the candidacy of Donald J. Trump.

“Him seeing us meant a lot to us,” he said. “We are so excited. We are going to go all the way. We are all in for Trump until he wins.”

Trump appeals to the Chinese-Americans because he was the first one to really criticize political correctness and he is a true Alpha-Male, he said.

“He’s the Alpha-Male the world wants,” he said.

“Mr. Trump hugged lot of people. He kissed a lot of people. He is like a Teddy Bear. He is a very warm person and you want to hug him,” he said.

“He came out of the house and was saying: ‘Where’s David? Where’s David? We were waiting out in the garden and he told us that he was grateful for our movement. I have never seen the guy so happy and I have been to many of his rallies.”

Trump, Tapper, CAFT

Wang goes by the nickname “Tian-Tian” among the Chinese-speakers, but among English-speakers, he introduces himself as David.

The New York City developer took pictures with everyone and made small conversation, he said. The Chinese-American supporters gave Trump a tee-shirt: “Chinese-Americans Love Donald Trump.”

Wang said his organization is a 3,000-strong WeChat community that uses the Chinese social media site as its virtual meeting hall. Wang is the group’s commander and there were captains from 15 different cities across the country.

“One of our members, Mrs. Huang, is afraid of flying, so she took the train from DC,” he said. “It took her three days and three nights to see Mr. Trump.”

In addition to contributions, Wang said members of CAFT made the commitment to attend every Trump rally—despite the prospect of violence. Members of the Northern California chapter attended the June 2 San Jose rally, where anti-Trump protesters beat Trump supporters and even hurled food and rocks at them.

The Northern California members, roughly 40 wearing CAFT tee-shirts, felt threatened as the situation spiraled out of control outside the arena and anti-Trump protesters grabbed one of their banners and ripped it into pieces, Wang said. “Nobody was hurt. They got away from there.”

Wang, a real estate investor, said he confronted protesters at Trump’s May 27 San Diego rally.

“I went to the San Diego protest area with my banner,” he said.

“I went face-to-face with Mexicans—people waving Mexican flags—some of them pushed me. I didn’t push back. I just want them to know that Trump has Chinese-American support now,” he said.

“The two common things about the protesters is that they are Democrats and they seem to be illegals,” he said.

“Democratic people are really promoting violence, you know? By organizing violent protests that affect the people at the rallies,” he said. “If you don’t support a guy, you don’t have to beat his supporters.”

Throwing eggs and rocks and breaking the law is too much, he said.

“Anytime you go to a Trump rally the announcers always make the announcement: ‘Do not harm the protesters,’ I think it’s a great idea,” he said.


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