On May 12, The Washington Post’s editorial board contended that the shooting spree carried out by federal police officer Eulalio Tordil on May 5 and 6 highlights the need for a national gun registry.

Ironically, the WaPo points to Maryland as one of the few states that already has a registry in place. Yet Tordil allegedly carried out his heinous attacks in Maryland. He is alleged to have shot and killed his estranged wife in Prince George County on May 5, then shot and killed a random male and female in Montgomery County on May 6.

A protective order, which included an order to surrender all firearms, was issued against Tordil in March. The WaPo described the order as “generally … effective” but noted that in this case, Tordil was able to feign surrendering all firearms while actually keeping two, one of which was the .40 caliber Glock he allegedly used to carry out his shooting spree.

Because this federal police officer allegedly violated orders and retained firearms–despite Maryland’s gun registration requirements–WaPo contends that a national gun registry is needed.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.