Pediatrician Dr. Meg Meeker says that Ivanka Trump speaks highly of her dad, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“No matter what we think of him as a presidential candidate, he really appears to be a great dad,” Meeker said while a guest on Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM Tuesday morning.

Meeker, the author of Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know, and its follow-up Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters Devotional: 52 Devotions Every Father Needs, said she determined Trump “appears to be a great dad” after listening to media interviews of Ivanka.

“This is telling,” Meeker told Breitbart News Executive Chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon.

Meeker said reports of Trump’s chauvinism and treatment of women should be tempered with the knowledge that Trump apparently helped Ivanka “rise to the very top of her career, and men don’t do that if they’re true chauvinists down deep.”

Meeker noted in hearing Ivanka’s media interviews that Trump’s daughter said her father has “championed her since she was six years old to go on and succeed in life.”

“It really is very impressive,” Meeker said. “He needs to get her out front a lot more frequently.”

Ivanka Trump is a former model who developed her Ivanka Trump Lifestyle Collection of clothing, fragrances, and accessories. She is executive vice president of Development and Acquisitions at the Trump Organization.

“Fathers need to teach their daughters to fight the toxic messages in our culture streaming at them all the time – over-sexualization and that your value is all in your appearance,” Meeker said, observing that the culture has often cast aside the valuable role of fathers in raising daughters.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.