GOP frontrunner Donald Trump says he thinks former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush would have been the Republican Party nominee had he not entered the race.
“I think Jeb would have been the nominee had I not gotten in, but I was able to define Jeb early,” Trump told the New York Times during an interview on Tuesday.
During the interview Trump touted his ability to bring fresh thinking into the primary election process.
Don’t forget I’m the one that, when Jeb would say, “The country was safe when my brother was president,” I said, “Excuse me, the World Trade Center came down.” Do you know, nobody thought of that? It’s like the paper clip. Nobody thought about the paper clip except for the guy that thought of it, and he became rich. And everyone else said, “Why didn’t I think of that idea?”
Trump also said he’s looking at the legality of the delegate process, criticizing the ability to be able to bribe delegates.
It’s a rigged system. It’s a disgraceful, disgusting rigged system in the Republican Party. Worse than the Democratic Party, because in the Democratic case it’s obvious with superdelegates. Look at Bernie. He wins every week, and everyone says he can’t win. In the Democrat Party, it’s obvious because they have a superdelegate, that’s like throwing it in your face. The Republican Party is worse, the Republican Party has a system where you can buy the delegates if you want. And you can do anything you want with a delegate, except give them cash. I can play the game better — I can fly them on a 757 to Mar-a-Lago, I can fly them to California where I own a place that’s unbelievable, on the Pacific Ocean. But it’s a bad system. You’re buying the election. It’s really wrong, and I’m looking into it, legally.
Trump described having voted for himself for president on Tuesday in the New York GOP primary as a great “honor.”
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