Editor’s note: The presidential nominating contests in both parties will come down to the California primary.

For Democrats, 548 delegates are at stake — 11.5% of the total. For Republicans, 172 delegates are at stage — 6.9% of the total. Of those, for Democrats, 158 (29%) are divided proportionally on a statewide basis, while 317 (58%) are divided proportionally by congressional district, with each district providing between 5 and 8 delegates. The remaining 73 (13%) are “superdelegates.”

For Republicans, 13 (8%) are awarded statewide, with ten going to the candidate with the highest number of votes on a winner-take-all basis, and three going to “pre-determined” delegates (the State Chair, National Committeewoman, National Committeeman). Meanwhile, 159 (92%) are awarded by congressional district on a winner-take-all basis, with each district providing 3 delegates.

The result: a district-by-district battle in both parties, which we preview for you here.

California District 51

CA-51: This district extends the length of California’s southern border, from San Diego to Arizona, which is also the U.S. border with Mexico. It is 70% Latino, and represented in Congress by moderate Democrat Juan Vargas. Border issues and national security are paramount among the district’s 50,000 registered Republican voters. Perhaps for that reason, Vargas led California’s congressional representatives in opposing the Iran deal in 2015, warning it would start a Mideast arms race.


Democrats: Clinton should do very well in this district, though a late surge in support for Sanders will also be visible.

Clinton 3, Sanders 2

Republicans: If Trump cannot win along the border where the “wall” is to be built, he may as well give up and go home.

Trump 3, Cruz 0, Kasich 0

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. His new e-book, Leadership Secrets of the Kings and Prophets: What the Bible’s Struggles Teach Us About Today, is on sale through Amazon Kindle Direct. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.