Hillary Clinton Has Another Coughing Fit in Radio Interview; Blames ‘Allergy Season’


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had another coughing episode this morning during a radio interview with New York city radio show The Breakfast Club.

“Excuse me,” she said coughing, after speaking for about 20 minutes on the air.

“Allergy season,” she said, as she continued coughing, reaching for her drink.

“You all right? Any mouth to mouth CPR?” one of the hosts joked, trying to lighten the mood.

“Senator, you coughing like you have something medicinal,” another host said.

“Yeah, I need some,” she replied as the hosts laughed.

“My voice is failing here,” she said as she continued speaking in a faltering tone. The interview went on for about three additional minutes before staffers ended it.

Later, Clinton said that she loved hot sauce and raw red peppers.

“That’s why you’re coughing, you may need to slow down on those peppers,” one of the hosts commented.

Clinton has had multiple coughing episodes during her campaign for president, awkwardly interrupting speeches or interviews as she struggles to regain her voice. She also had a coughing episode during her testimony during the Congressional Benghazi hearings.


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