Exclusive — Leading Progressive Activist Considers Potential Emergence of Third Party Right-Left Populist Coalition

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If the political establishment in Washington continues to work against the will of the bases of both the GOP and the Democratic Party, a leading progressive organizer says that America may be headed for the possibility of a legitimate third party that comprises a left-right populist coalition.

Aaron Black, the progressive organizer and Occupy Wall Street veteran, joined Breitbart News Saturday with guest host and Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle on Saturday to kick off the show. After Boyle asked Black about the populist uprisings in both parties represented by supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party and billionaire Donald Trump in the Republican Party, Black suggested a third party may emerge if the establishment continues working against the people.

Black said on the air:

Sanders and Trump have a lot of supporters for that very reason: They’re not being bought and paid for by corporate interests. I will say that we need to go a little further, I think that somebody like Trump who is self-funded has an advantage over a lot of people who would like to run for President as an example. I don’t want to see a scenario where in another four years the only people who can run for our highest office are billionaires. There needs to be some kind of cap on what you can spend. I think that this has to be equal, somehow. The two party system has been disastrous to our country…. I personally would like to see another party come out of this.

Boyle followed up, asking Black to “flesh that idea out” and whether he meant “a coalition between the populist right and populist left.”

Black said he wasn’t sure yet, but the more the establishment continues this activity against Trump in the Republican Party and against Sanders in the Democratic Party, the more they are at risk of something like this.

“Well, I don’t know what it looks like,” Black said. “I just think the two party system has been disastrous for our country. I think it’s time something gives. I’m not suggesting we do away with the two parties — the Democratic or Republican party — right now, but what I am saying is that we definitely need a third party to even things out.”

Black has played a leading role in organizing protests around the country, including the thousands who turned out on Thursday to “shut down Trump.” When asked what he hoped to accomplish with the protests, Black said:

Well I think people are dissatisfied in general, they feel like they don’t have a voice. Their government is bought and paid for by Wall Street firms and K Street lobbyists. The bottom line is that this really isn’t a partisan issue, people are just fed up and are tired of getting screwed.

Black also announced that he expects to join other activists who’ve been arrested during the last week as part of the “Democracy Spring” in Washington D.C.

“We’re going to continue that over the weekend, people will sit on the Capitol Steps, and shockingly that’s illegal,” Black said. “They’ve arrested close to nine hundred of us on those steps for simply sitting there saying that this unjust. We want one person, one vote, we’ve had enough. Thinking about it, it’s crazy right?”

Black showed a unique willingness to engage with a non-friendly audience, even taking calls from Breitbart News Saturday listeners. Listen to the audio of Black’s interview, complete with him taking callers with Boyle, here:


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