The Republican governor of Georgia announced today his intention to veto the religious free bill that would protect faith-based believers from having to participate in wedding ceremonies they find morally repugnant.

In announcing his veto, Governor Nathan Deal cast aspersions on the character of Georgians who supported a bill that would have protected their religious beliefs and practices with regard to the millennial understanding of man-woman marriage. He said protecting ministers, government officials and small business owners from being forced to participate in homosexual weddings was a kind of discrimination.

Deal said he was not buckling to pressure either from major corporations and Hollywood big shots who threatened the state with boycott, or from pressure coming from the largely religious citizens of the state.

Deal said his decision was about the “character of our state and the character of our people. Georgia is a welcoming state. It is full of loving, kind and generous people. And that is what we should want. They choose to worship God in the way they see fit, in a myriad of ways, in a variety of settings.” He went on to compare sexual behavior and desire to race and religion.

In recent days the state had come under severe pressure from major corporations including Coca-Coal that is headquartered in Atlanta, and Disney who said they would pull out, even though Disney is about to open a facility in communist China where women are forced to have abortions and Christian practice is severely persecuted.

A slew of Hollywood heavies sent a letter on the letterhead of the anti-Christian Human Rights Campaign, also threatening to take their productions out of the state. In their letter, signed by collaborators of Steven Spielberg and studio chiefs Bob and Harvey Weinstein, they claimed TV and movie productions in Georgia were third only to New York and California and had added $1.7 billion to the Georgia economy last year and added 100 new businesses that cater to the movie and TV business.

The Georgia governor, who claims he’s a part of the Georgia faith community, joins the Republican governors of Arizona and Indiana who vetoed similar bills and came under similar corporation pressure.

North Carolina is in the homosexual crosshairs next. That state passed a bill that makes it illegal for biological males to use women’s bathrooms unless their birth certificate has been changed. Pressure is mounting.