Republicans Critical of Donald Trump, Open to Hillary Clinton


Prominent Republicans say they’re open to supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton to keep GOP frontrunner Donald Trump from becoming President of the United States.

“Members of the GOP foreign policy establishment are open to supporting Ted Cruz or even Hillary Clinton for president,” The Hill reports after interviewing Republicans “who signed a scathing open letter denouncing Trump.”

“What’s happening is you have a lot of people who are desperate to get anybody in there other than Trump. … People are going to go for Cruz, because at the end of the day they think he’s considerably less bad than Trump,” said former advisor to Marco Rubio Eliot A. Cohen.

The Hill’s Kristina Wong reports, “Cohen, along with Bryan McGrath, organized an open letter opposing Trump that was signed by more than 120 members of the Republican foreign policy establishment. The letter declared that Trump is unfit to be president because his views of American power are ‘wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.’”

Wong notes that several members of the group are shifting support towards Cruz.

“Donald Trump is not a Republican. … He is a caricature of classless wealth. … He is a caricature of the ugly American,” McGrath stated.

McGrath serves as deputy director for the Hudson Institute’s Center for American Seapower and is also working with the Cruz campaign.

Between Clinton and Trump, McGrath told Wong “on foreign and defense policy, I at least trust Hillary’s judgment.”


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