Russian state TV, which is closely aligned with the Kremlin, reports Moscow favors Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election “as the best candidate by a mile,” according to Reuters.
“RT, the Kremlin’s English-language TV channel formerly known as Russia Today, says it does not back any U.S. candidates. But it has described Trump as “idiosyncratic and raw,” and suggested he represents the popular will of U.S. voters, which a sinister U.S. establishment is trying to subvert,” Reuters reports.
“Can America’s elections be truly called democratic if the political establishment aligns itself against the popular will?” the American host of “CrossTalk” on RT Peter Lavelle stated. “As things stand now millions of voters could be disenfranchised.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin has also said Trump is “very talented.”
According to the Reuters report, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Trump’s recent comments that were critical of NATO funding, “showed the alliance was in crisis.”
“For the last two years all we heard from Western newspapers and TV was very critical of Russia,” U.S.-Russian relations expert Victoria Zhuravleva stated during an interview with Reuters. “So when you hear something that is not so critical and even more friendly towards your country it’s like: ‘Thank God, There’s one person we can talk to: Donald Trump.’”
“They are both open-minded, pragmatic, and say what they think,” she added about the similarity between Trump and Putin.
“We really don’t want Hillary,” a Russian official confided. “She’s no friend of Russia’s.”